Do the Right Thing.

Mission Statement

We know it sounds simple, but over the years, we’ve found that it works. At WFA Staffing, we pride ourselves not only by the quality of our placements and career opportunities but our commitment to serving our clients. Established in 1991, WFA Staffing is an independent, locally owned agency that knows the community. We specialize in staffing and executive placement services for Southeastern Wisconsin by providing entry-level through executive placement.

Our Unique Guarantee

Success is about people, and the right fit for both employer and employee. That’s why we offer a Unique Guarantee with our Permanent Placement Professionals.

The Connectors:

Staffing companies bridge the employment divide

Like two ships passing in the night, Milwaukee-area employers and the region's pool of job seekers often struggle to intersect on the same course, according to Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. Many area employers say they can’t find enough qualified job candidates, while at the same time, some area residents are unable to get a job.

The city is trying to find “any vehicle” it can to bridge the gap between the employer community and the employee community, Barrett said, noting initiatives such as the city’s Compete Milwaukee transitional jobs program and the Mayor’s Manufacturing Partnership.

“We have to find that bridge between the ‘ships,’ and so I’ll work with anyone who will provide the transportation over that bridge so that we can bring the workers and the employers together,” Barrett said.

Fred D'Amato President WFA 2020

Fred D’Amato

Todd Strehlow CFO WFA 2020

Todd Strehlow

Roberta Murphy WFA VP

Roberta Murphy

Vice President- Owner
Joe D'Amato WFA Branch Mgr 2022

Joseph D'Amato

Branch Manager - West Allis

Megan DeGeorge

Vice President, Owner - Germantown
Jeff Ulicki WFA 2020

Jeffery Ulicki

Senior Account Executive
Lynn Sewart WFA 2020

Lynn S.

Account Executive
Jose Gonzalez WFA Staffing 18

Jose Gonzalez

Recruiter- WA
Marissa West WFA 2020

Marissa West

Robin D'Amato WFA 2020

Robin D'Amato

Account Executive
Charlie WFA 2020

Charles Jewell

Recruit/Acct Exec

Katerica Johnson


Carmen Schulz

Office Administrator
Joann is a recruter in WFA Staffing Germantown, WI Office

Joann Tomson

Jenevia Moore - Receptionist at WFA Staffing Group

Jenevia Moore

Paula Gibson WFA Staff

Paula Gibson

HR/Benefits SHRM

Ted Pichler

Payroll Manager

Rebecca DeCaire

New Hire Specialist

Brittany Gill

Payroll Assistant

Jennifer Kerr

Accounting Manager

Celebrating 30 Years in Business

WFA Staffing Group

Thirty Years ago in 1991 WFA Staffing Group opened for business as a staffing agency focused on entry level through executive positions.  In 2005,  Tom Krist and Fred D'Amato were joined by friend and relative, Todd Strehlow, CFO.  They purchased the company and moved it to a larger office on Milwaukee's northwest side...

WFA's achievements can be credited to our employees finding great candidates in a tight labor marked and to our wonderful customers who use our services on a regular basis.  We appreciate their loyalty.  Today, WFA has expanded our Milwaukee headquarters and we have added 2 offices- one in West Allis and our newest Germantown office location.