Absolutely OK

Ethan Sykes IISyBKOT2D0 Unsplash

It’s absolutely OK… The idea that we all know precisely where we’re going is not only incorrect, but it is also dangerous since we’re each often unsure of the answer to that question…if there even is an answer to that question. For some, the “where from here” question is one which we enjoy playing with…

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Opportunity is something we often seek and sometimes miss even though it might’ve bitten us on the nose if it wished, because we were so close to finding it.  Napoleon Hill, a famous writer and philosopher defined it like this: Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. How many times…

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2018- A New Year, A New Reality

Steven Vandesande Jr NczMOp6fiag Unsplash

What is to come in 2018? We see a 2018 that will bring with it new opportunities and certainly new challenges.  We know that the pool of great candidates for virtually any and all positions is what it was in the past: too small for us to delay on decisions when we find good people. …

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Vladislav Babienko KTpSVEcU0XU Unsplash

Have you given much thought to the impact that differentiators have in your business or your daily life? Those are the sometimes subtle, or sometimes ‘in-your face’ things, that help each of us to make decisions through-out the days and weeks ahead. A differentiator might be the color of a dress or the pattern on a…

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Loyalty is a Two-Way Street

“Loyalty is a two-way street. If I ‘m asking for it from you, then you’re getting it from me”-  Harvey Specter In today’s fast moving market employee and employer loyalty is more important than ever. Are you taking the necessary steps to attract and retain the best talent available? As employers we all face similar…

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Foxconn 3

Foxconn has become virtually a household name in our part of the country given its decision to build a new complex in S.E. Wisconsin. We have all heard much about the Foxconn deal so far.  We’ll be talking about the impacts, both good and not-so-good, for some time to come.  There is, of course, that…

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Changes in Attitude…

Many things can happen to drive changes in attitude. Life just doesn’t seem fair all the time.  We go along just fine for a while and then something happens.  We lose our job, or we get sick, or we get hit by another car as we’re driving home.  All sorts of things can and sometimes…

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Now Hiring: Where Are All the People?

Where are all the people coming from to fill the needs of employers in this market today? Truth be told, there are difficulties even for us professionals to find the right people for the open positions our client employers have available.  That is no secret.  There are more openings than qualified applicants.  We’ve been through…

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The Saga of the Job Interview…

Charles RRWiVQzLm7k Unsplash

The saga of the Job Interview…   This phrase conjures up different thoughts for different people. The person being interviewed thinks about not making any serious gaffes.  The person conducting the interview thinks about not making any serious mistakes in the process of interviewing the prospective employee. The result of these two sets of dynamics can…

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Challenges of a shrinking workforce…

There is a shrinking workforce in Wisconsin and a recent BizTimes publication highlighted that fact. WFA Staffing is in the business of locating qualified talent for our client employers, and have been doing that for a long time.  We know the difficulties in searches since we live it day-in and day-out.   Our recruiting staff…

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