A Word to the Wise
|A word to the wise... NASA/Unsplash Ebbs and flows in the employee/employer marketplace are nearly as predictable as the rise and fall of the tides. However, we doubt seriously that the Moon has anything to ...
Find Your Niche….
Articles, Blog
|The small to mid-sized business market for us is our niche. Ian Schneider/Unsplash It exposes us to new clients, some of which we didn’t even know about until they sought us out. We can look ...
We’re In This Together
Blog, Uncategorized
|Shane Rounce/Unsplash We’re In This Together… Wisconsin’s unemployed hit the 2.9% level. This suggests that we are close to or past the point where there are simply too few looking for positions. That obviously makes ...
A Good Interview & A Not-So-Good Interview…There Is a Difference
Articles, Blog
|Johanna Buguet/Unsplash A good interview & a not-so-good interview…there is a difference. You have worked diligently to secure an interview for a new job. You have made sure your appearance is that of an employee ...
Attitude Gains Altitude
Articles, Blog
|Ashley Knedler/Unsplash Your attitude will determine your altitude. Our own Marquette University Law School conducted a poll recently asking what people thought about the economy going forward. About one-third thought it would get worse than ...
Happy 2019!
Articles, Blog
|Crazy nana/Unsplash Happy New Year! A new year has rolled around again and it brings both challenges and promises along with it. If we are looking only for the less-than-good, that will be easy enough ...
Strong Relationships Mean Everything
Articles, Blog, Employment Opportunities
|Strong Relationships… We talk about strong relationships regularly. We believe that strong relationships are the life’s blood of our business. Relationships are formed over time and we understand that. We have enduring relationships formed at ...
Don’t bite off more than you can chew!
|Constantin Stanciu/ Shutterstock They bit off more than they could chew. This pejorative describes firms, companies, teams…you name it. It means, simply, that whatever company is being referred to, tried to be too much to ...
A Salute to Milwaukee’s 2018 Future 50 Companies
Articles, Blog
|Milwaukee BizTimes published its Future50 list of this year and WFA Staffing is pleased to work with members of that newest Future50 list given our own appearance as a member company of the 2015 Future50. ...
New WFA Staffing Website
|If you’re reading this, chances are good that you have already interacted with the new WFA Staffing website. New website designs are always, it seems, great for a while and then they tail off on ...
Cost of New Employees
Articles, Blog
|Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash There is a usual rate of increase in the cost of new employees as anyone in business understands. We are, obviously, in a situation today where that increase is ...
WFA Staffing Career Advisor
If you are not just looking for a job, but looking for the right job, WFA Staffing can help. We will work with you to assess your strengths, skill sets and personality, and match them with positions and employers that are the best fit for you. Join our database and a WFA recruiter will contact you to set up an interview!