Finding a Job is like Running a Marathon
Finding a job is like Running a Marathon!
I received a call last week from a great candidate, Jim, he had just completed an interview. The candidate said it went great and he expected a job offer. Sounds great I thought. So, I called the client and asked how it went? The client said great and they would be extending an offer to Bob. Hold on I said, what about Jim. Jim didn’t quite have the attributes they were looking for. So, it was time for another difficult call. Not for me really, but for Jim.
How do you prepare for a call like that? No one really can, but like a marathon runner, in order to even finish the race; we have to be ready for anything coming our way.
So prepare for each and every interview like it was a race you wanted to win.
First, study the company’s web site – all of it. This is also a great place to find out how to dress for the interview. It is ok to be a little overdressed but never underdressed. Employers want to see that you have respect for the company and position that you are seeking.
Second, google the company and read any recent articles. You will find out immediately about both the good and the bad and then you can prepare for it.
Third, if you know who you are talking to, check out their information on LinkedIn. Immediately after the interview, connect with these people with LinkedIn. So, yes this means you need to be on LinkedIn. A must on this site is including a business like picture of you.
Fourth, just as important is to check out the people you are interviewing with on facebook. Do not connect with them just see what they are interested in. I would suggest not mentioning that you looked at their facebook pages but you can bet that the good HR people are checking yours out before you arrive. Especially if they are interested in hiring you.
Is this starting to sound like a lot of work? Well hopefully so because it is. Believe me when I say company hiring executives are impressed when you tell them you like the company statement of purpose on the web site. Remember the people you say that to are likely the ones that helped write it. Sounds like a winner to me. Thousands of people run marathons every year and many don’t finish. Like getting a new job, none of the finishers get to the finish line without a great deal of preparation.
Finally if you don’t make it to the finish line, immediately start preparation for the next race. The race goes on whether or not you are in it, so get over the pain of losing and get ready for it. Your competition is!
Todd Strehlow – CFO