Happy Thanksgiving
We have worked our way through one of the most historical years in history. We are thankful for all the opportunities you have given us to be of service. For example, we appreciate the simple gift of locating that next ‘perfect’ position for you.
We take our role seriously because we recognize that we impact businesses and people every day.
We enjoy our opportunities and take particular joy in the successful location of that next employee or of helping you find that new prospect.
It is this time of year when we step back and reflect on the last 12 months. What would we have done differently if given the choice of a “do-over”? What would we have done if we had just had that occasion to give a situation a bit more thought or if we had taken that chance that we were puzzling over for days and weeks?
We hope that your “do-overs” were few and far between. We recognize that those kinds of things will continue on for many years to come. None of us are perfect, but we continue to try to reach that level of performance. That is the Great American Way.
We should also stop and think about the future. What we can do to improve our personal position or how we can improve our business operation.
We are here to help with both of those processes.
If you are an individual, give us a call, and we can begin the process of exploring the positions that might make sense for you. If you are an employer planning for 2022 and beyond, we can help you make those plans concrete by locating the right people to fill your needs in the coming year and beyond.
We are found in three locations these days. Check us out in Milwaukee, Germantown or West Allis when you have the opportunity and we’ll get to work for you right away.
We want to wish all of you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!
Fred D’Amato