Moving Forward Together
This quote from Henry Ford, a visionary and innovator in manufacturing and the automotive industry, caught my eye this morning.
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
Quotes that say so much in so few words are great. Think of a marching band and think about the coordination of movement required to make it look so professional. Think of a football team that can’t move the ball, isn’t it immediately apparent when there is someone not aligned with the rest of the group?
When we transfer that thinking to the production line, or the selling process, or the welding department or the grease and lube facility, we can see the merits of a well-orchestrated human element working in tandem with the equipment that goes along with each job.
Imagine the Project Manager losing focus on the need for all aspects of the project to be moving ahead in lockstep. That would not yield a project being completed on time and on budget. And it certainly wouldn’t create a happy customer.
Imagine the assembly line employee who misses a beat thus sending the whole line into shutdown. That is not conducive to that “well-oiled machine” we all shoot for every time we undertake a job.
This simple concept is the most critical
of all the steps in any well-operating company no matter what the product or service of that company may be. There is sometimes a tendency to focus on the stuff that seems more important when the really important aspects are that we are all on the same page at the same time and moving in the same direction each doing what we are responsible to do.
Another name for this coordination of efforts is teamwork. We each have to be at the top of our game, with our minds focused on the important issues and we must be putting forth the effort required if we are to be part of the well-oiled machine we spoke of earlier.