We Need You….

Uncle Sam Need You

WE NEED YOU! My name is Roberta Murphy and I am the Vice President at WFA Staffing.  We have openings of almost every type and we need people who want to make a change for the better.  We know you are out there and we know we can help you find a better place to…

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Attitude Gains Altitude

Ashley Knedler Pf5Pj7A5ddA Unsplash

Your attitude will determine your altitude. Our own Marquette University Law School conducted a poll recently asking what people thought about the economy going forward.  About one-third thought it would get worse than last year at this time.  That was the highest number since this poll began in 2012. If we are thinking like pessimists,…

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Cost of New Employees

Free To Use Sounds KOuCX7fh50U Unsplash

There is a usual rate of increase in the cost of new employees as anyone in business understands.  We are, obviously, in a situation today where that increase is greater than it has been in the recent past.  Business in general is on the uptick.  Certain types of people with certain backgrounds are in even…

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Absolutely OK

Ethan Sykes IISyBKOT2D0 Unsplash

It’s absolutely OK… The idea that we all know precisely where we’re going is not only incorrect, but it is also dangerous since we’re each often unsure of the answer to that question…if there even is an answer to that question. For some, the “where from here” question is one which we enjoy playing with…

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Opportunity is something we often seek and sometimes miss even though it might’ve bitten us on the nose if it wished, because we were so close to finding it.  Napoleon Hill, a famous writer and philosopher defined it like this: Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. How many times…

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The Power of Optimism

Manu Schwendener ZFEY4DP4h6c Unsplash (1)

 Optimistic people fare better in interviews all other things being equal. That is the simple truth. Most people like people who have optimism, so long as it isn’t exaggerated and overblown simply for effect. Optimism and smiles tend to go together. (See our recent entry http://wfastaffing.com/smile/ ) So there is a double-whammy in the package of…

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"Procrastination is the Thief of Time…"

Pedro Da Silva UnEmGQqdO7Q Unsplash

This blog is about procrastination (I’d have done it earlier but something else came up).  Maybe a poor attempt at humor, but there is a factual basis for the statement. How many times can you think of when you had an unpleasant or difficult task to perform, and you found ‘reasons’ to put off that task?…

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Michael Dam MEZ3PoFGs K Unsplash

Want to have a better today…SMILE!  There is evidence that when we smile, even if we aren’t feeling it at that moment, we begin to feel better. We can actually make ourselves feel better by smiling at others.  Now, wasn’t that easy?  When I receive a smile, I tend to automatically to return it.  If I…

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Constructive Criticism

Shutterstock 1416828143

Criticism is something each of us has or will receive.  It is up to each of us as to just how we’ll respond to criticism, and it is up to each of us as to what we will take away from the experience.  There may be a way to avoid criticism, but that would probably…

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