Celebrating 30 Years!

Biz Times 2021 WFA 30 Anniversary Article

Thirty years ago in 1991 WFA Staffing Group opened for business as a staffing agency focused on entry level through executive positions.   In 2005, Tom Krist and Fred D’Amato were joined by friend and relative, Todd Strehlow, CFO. They purchased the company and moved it to a larger office on Milwaukee’s northwest side.   This location still serves…

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WFA Staffing is growing again!

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WFA Staffing is growing again! We at WFA Staffing are not blind to the ups and downs that exist for most all of us in business these days.  We have just opened our newest office at the NE corner of Pilgrim and Mequon Roads in Germantown.  We are ready to serve you there, as well…

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WFA opens Germantown Office- Now 3 Locations to Serve You!

Wfa Staffing Logo

WFA Staffing Group now offering 3 locations to serve our clients and candidates! WFA Staffing is excited to announce our expansion to a third office location in Germantown to better serve both our clients and candidates.  We are now officially open and accepting interviews at our new location at N112W15568 Mequon Road in Germantown as…

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Strong Relationships Mean Everything

Strong Relationships… We talk about strong relationships regularly. We believe that strong relationships are the life’s blood of our business. Relationships are formed over time and we understand that.  We have enduring relationships formed at the very beginning of WFA Staffing.  We have been developing strong relationships with relatively recent client organizations. Each of our…

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Don’t bite off more than you can chew!

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They bit off more than they could chew.  This pejorative describes firms, companies, teams…you name it.  It means, simply, that whatever company is being referred to, tried to be too much to too many or that it spread itself over too much geographic area. The company tried to do too much, and the company failed…

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A Salute to Milwaukee’s 2018 Future 50 Companies

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Milwaukee BizTimes published its Future50 list of this year and WFA Staffing is pleased to work with members of that newest Future50 list given our own appearance as a member company of the 2015 Future50. We congratulate you all and wish you the very best as you continue to improve and grow. We know what…

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Cost of New Employees

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There is a usual rate of increase in the cost of new employees as anyone in business understands.  We are, obviously, in a situation today where that increase is greater than it has been in the recent past.  Business in general is on the uptick.  Certain types of people with certain backgrounds are in even…

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Opportunity is something we often seek and sometimes miss even though it might’ve bitten us on the nose if it wished, because we were so close to finding it.  Napoleon Hill, a famous writer and philosopher defined it like this: Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. How many times…

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Trust Your Team

“A team is not a group of people who work together.  A team is a group of people who trust each other.”      Emmanuel Giavarini, Managerial Comm. Mgr. for a French Transportation System  This quote attributed to the person identified above was found on her Facebook page and immediately made an impression on me.  I suspect…

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Reflections on 70….

Birthday 70

My 70th birthday was one of the most interesting and enjoyable birthdays of my life!  Reflecting back on my years of life it was hard to comprehend how quickly time passes by and suddenly you are 70 even though you feel like 50! At first I was not happy about the event but as the…

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