The Midas Touch
The Midas Touch

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The ‘reverse Midas touch’ seems to be present on a regular basis in many aspects of life. What we touch does not always turn into gold. Sometimes it turns into ‘stuff’ we’d rather not have anything to do with but are often confronted with having no choice in the matter.
There is a very real talent that some have in mastering the management of things that have been hit with that reverse Midas touch. Our decisions do not always play out as we envisioned. As a matter of fact, often our decisions turn out differently than we expected and the key here is to be able to see this happening in time to make adjustments to the course to keep the wheels on while you work through the unexpected issues.
Hiring people is among those areas where one can experience the reverse Midas touch. Anytime anyone deals with people, let’s face it, there is always the possibility of needing to make course corrections in order to make things work.
Our job is to help make those situations where a reverse Midas touch is experienced happen far less often. No one can promise such things will never occur because there are different personalities involved in almost every instance. We thrive on long-term client relationships because we get to know our clients better with every month and every year that passes. The better we get to know our client, the more we’re able to understand the true dynamics of that workplace. That always makes everyone’s job easier as we look for the right types of candidates for each of our clients.
We have literally interviewed enough people to populate a pretty good sized city over the course of the years and years we have been at this work. We have learned a lot in that span of time. Just as your company has a culture about it that is unique, we believe that we at WFA Staffing also have a unique culture. That isn’t necessarily something we gave much thought to in the beginning. We were frankly working hard to grow our company and create a successful enterprise.
We long ago came to understand the importance of a culture within workplaces, and knowing that of each of our client organizations gives us a big leg up when the search for the right person begins. Time is almost always “of the essence” when we get an order from our clients. Most don’t look to hire until they’ve had a loss or really need the new spot filled quickly. We understand that, and that is when we’re really thankful for having had the long term relationships we have with the majority of our clients.
If you’re not yet a client of ours, give us the chance to earn your trust and over time we’ll get dialed into the culture of your company, too. As each placement happens, we’ll both come to better understand each other’s approach and that simply means that finding and hiring the right people will get easier for us both. Give us a call and we’ll get started on building that long-term relationship.
Tom Krist – President