To the Class of 2015- Attitude is your key to success
Graduation ceremonies are occurring or have recently occurred across our state and nation. Many young men and women will walk away from high schools and colleges with diploma in hand. Some will move on to the next higher step in education while others will have reached the point of seeking employment or marriage or both.

Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash
Employment is something with which our firm is intimately familiar; we are involved in that world daily. We see the wants and needs of individuals and recognize that employment is among the keys to the satisfaction of those wants and needs. We also are exposed to the wants and needs of employers and we learn daily from that exposure.
Regardless of the level of education attained, there are important criteria that determine, or help to determine, employability. Employers seek some basic things in prospective employees almost without regard to the level of education attained. Employers seek honesty, good judgement, a set of solid human values, and the willingness to work hard, be reliable and be able to perform the duties that are part of the position. Employers expect that we will be at work on time, that we will do our level best every day, that we will be cheerful with others with whom we work; and, very importantly, that we will be conscious of what the customer expects. All of these attributes are important no matter in what position we are working from the delivery driver to the company president, the receptionist to the surgeon.
Attitude is a simple thing, but it is a critical thing, too. If our attitude is not what it should be, we will not be employed for very long…or we won’t be very successful in whatever it is that we’re doing. Attitude is important regardless of one’s position in life. With a good attitude, we attract people because they want to be around us. With a bad attitude, we do the opposite; no one wants to be anywhere near us…and who could blame them?
Alan Campbell, Account Executive