We Need You….
My name is Roberta Murphy and I am the Vice President at WFA Staffing. We have openings of almost every type and we need people who want to make a change for the better. We know you are out there and we know we can help you find a better place to be during this wild economy.
If you’ve been working every overtime hour you can work, I think we might be what you are likely after…and that is simply a better job, no matter what you are doing now. The key is how we get together and how quickly you can be available for the openings we have.
If you have a resume available, even if it needs some work to make it look like the person you are, I want to see it as quickly as you can email it over to me. We have a team of great recruiters who get paid if they find you what you’re looking for. Sounds simple and it is IF you have a crew like ours behind you to find that next great place for you and your talents and skills.
We sell you and your talents to the companies that are hungry for just such a new employee. You don’t have to stop and wait in line for someone to talk with you. That is our job and we’re darned good at what we do.
We’ve been in this business for a long time and we get better at it every year.
We’ve not seen a market like this in years, and we’ve been in this business for over twenty five years. Let’s get this started. We’ll look at who you are and what you’ve been doing.
This is the right time for you to look.
If we believe we can do you some good, we’ll let you know and discuss some of the spots we’re currently working to fill with capable people. The market for good people is more alive today than we’ve seen it in many years. And we have a lot of years in the business coupled with a very capable staff that has contacts that you’ll never see on your own working to find a better spot for you.
Do us both a favor and get your resume and a brief cover letter over to me as quickly as you can. We’ll get back to you promptly and we’ll give you our best thoughts on the timing and your opportunities. If that all works as you’d like it to work, we’ll get together at a time good for you.
Your name will be protected so you can be confident that you are doing this without placing yourself in a spot. That is part of what we do and do very well. Let me see what and who you are, and we’ll tell you if we can help or if we can’t for whatever reason.
I hope to hear from you! Email your information to me at: rmurphy@wfastaffing.com
Roberta Murphy, Vice President
WFA Staffing – 9001 North 76th Street – Milwaukee, WI 53223