Weathering the Storm
We are weathering the storm.

By ProStockStudio VIA Shutterstock
Due to the COVID-19 virus, our country and much of our world finds itself in a situation that has not been seen for many years. We have been in a period of business expansion coupled with peace in the bulk of our world. We now seem to be taking a bit of a breather as we re-group, take into account where we are and where it is we wish to be in “X” amount of time, and change course if that is necessary.
As the world economy changes, so do local and national economies change.
We’ve been experiencing that for some time as you likely have been, as well. To add to the level of difficulty, we added a disease named COVID-19; a disease caused by the SARS-Co V-2 coronavirus to the mix, a disease we feared might be the next coming of The Plague but which we still seem to be able to handle with some changes in how we do things, how we are staffed, either with larger staffs or with smaller and more de-centralized staffs.
In short, we are each individually, and together as a team, members of this country, and as participants, willing or unwilling, but participants, nonetheless, in whatever the economy brings with this mix of new active ingredients.
WFA Staffing has been through these kinds of whirlwind episodes before; we have not always enjoyed the experience, but we survived and came out of those experiences the better for it. Our belief is that this is another of those experiences. We have done some belt-tightening as have many of you, our clients. Our company will continue to assess and make adjustments as needed during this challenging time.
We are here for you if you need good people, and we’re here for those good people who seek positions.
This in many ways seems like that proverbial ‘perfect storm’. Our experience tells us that there will typically be some significant events for both those hiring and seeking as well.
It likely will require more time to find a new position and it likely will take more time to locate that next superstar employee.
So, the proverbial word-to-the-wise: No matter which of these two ends of the equation you find yourself on, time is of the essence as well as is patience.
We’ve just entered the second quarter of this year, and there is more to come, we suspect, so far as changes in the world as we knew it before this latest challenge presented itself.
Everything is present for a good year but we have to determine the best recipe, and then select the best ingredients…both employees and employers.
We’re here to help on both ends of that equation.
Tom Krist, CEO