Looking for Good People!
We are all working our way through the Corona Virus onslaught and it has resulted in changes almost across the board. All of us are aware of this strange time for our communities, and all of us are aware this is a difficult time for many.
Our employer clients are still working and still need qualified and capable employees. Many of you are working as you did before but with different rules in place to protect everyone.

WFA Germantown Office
We have expanded rather than closed our doors with a third office in the middle of Germantown and we are busy in all three of our locations working to help you as we also help our employer clients find capable people.
It would be silly not to admit that this strange time in all our lives has had an effect on most of us. It has in one way or another. People are still working and employers are still hiring and we are still making placements to help both employees seeking positions as well as employers seeking to fill positions.
We actually opened our third office in Germantown a short time ago and we are happy to tell you that we are busy in all three locations. But we are not so busy that we do not have time to meet with you taking all the precautions necessary to protect you and our staff members.

WFA Milwaukee Office

WFA West Allis Office
Our employer clients are still seeking good people. If you have slowed your search for a new position because you thought there was no hope of finding that next position, think again. We have open positions, and we are open, and our employer clients are in need of good people.
Call us and we’ll fill you in on exactly how we go about doing our business and helping you find good employment, or how we help employers fill their needs for employees in this strange new world in which we all find ourselves. We have three locations to help both employers who need good people, and to assist good people to find their next employer.
Come to our Job Fair on February 27 from 9am to noon at any of our locations and we would love to meet with you immediately to discuss your career goals-Click here for information
We’re positioned well to service Southeastern Wisconsin and we’re open for business. Call one of our three offices to discuss your needs with a very capable WFA staff member.
Fred D’Amato, President