Interesting Times…

The business of finding talent has gotten considerably more difficult of late, and it does not appear that will resolve anytime soon based upon what we see locally and nationally. With that reality upon us ...
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The importance of pride in our accomplishments is often overlooked or just plain never thought about.  That is all too true when it comes to too many of us.  If you take a moment to ...
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To the Class of 2015- Attitude is your key to success

Graduation ceremonies are occurring or have recently occurred across our state and nation.  Many young men and women will walk away from high schools and colleges with diploma in hand.  Some will move on to ...
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Wants vs Needs

  Two of the most powerful drivers in today’s world are what we might simply call ‘wants and needs’.  When we ‘want’ something, we are thrust into the race to obtain that something whatever it ...
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Feedback is that annoying sound we hear when a sound system isn't set up quite right.  It can send a shudder through your body. Gerd Altmann/Pixabay Feedback is also what we hear when someone critiques us. ...

Race Together or NO?

Should an employer encourage or discourage political/social viewpoint discussions between employees and customers? Likely for the majority of us employers, the answer to this question would be a resounding no to such a thought about ...

What Do the Wal-Mart Pay Hikes Mean For Us?

Wal-Mart has taken a position on the minimum wage by setting its own minimum wage.  Wal-Mart says it will increase its minimum wage to at least $9.00 per hour by April and to at least ...

Employment Equation

"The strongest pace of job growth we’ve seen since 1997” was the statement recently attributed to Paul Ashworth, the chief U.S. economist with Capitol Economics.  The U.S. Labor Department advised that employers added 257,000 new ...

Supporting our veterans…

This past Friday  we at WFA were blessed to be able to support Stars and Stripes Honor Flight.  Stars and Stripes Honor Flight honors all veterans by flying WWII, Korean War and terminally ill veterans from ...
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Good News/Bad News

Great news!  The economy continues to improve and unemployment has gone down to 5.6%!  That ‘great news’ also brings a potential downside where WFA Staffing can help.    Unemployment standing at 5.6% means much of the ...

Farewell to 2014!

As we approach the end of the current year, we are reminded of the many friends we have made while working with and for each of our client companies, as well as with and for ...

Solving the Affordable Care Act Puzzle

Four and one-half years after its passage, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obama Care as some prefer, still raises a lot of questions from employers.  We in the staffing industry have had our own ...

WFA Staffing Career Advisor

If you are not just looking for a job, but looking for the right job, WFA Staffing can help. We will work with you to assess your strengths, skill sets and personality, and match them with positions and employers that are the best fit for you.  Join our database and a WFA recruiter will contact you to set up an interview!