Whatever Happened to the Suggestion Box?
|Have you ever seen or heard something that triggered a great idea? Maybe it was something totally unrelated to your business or to the issue you were wrestling with in your subconscious. But it was ...
You Don’t Need a “YES” Man
|This quote from a famous ‘name’ jumped out at me and provoked some serious thought: When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary. ~ William Wrigley Jr. What struck me was ...
Experience VS Pay
|Experience VS Pay We find the following quotation to be a truism in our business for it is the experience gained that hones the skills that lead to a better income for virtually all of ...
Problems Create Opportunities
|Problems Create Opportunities Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash How many times have you wondered why your company seems to need more problem-solving than other companies with which you are familiar? Those other companies’ leaders ...
Listening to Every Word
|Listening to Every Word Listening is important. We all know that. But, many of us don’t demonstrate that we know listening is important. We are busy preparing a response rather than listening to every word ...
Searching For Candidates
| Searching for Candidates Free-Photos/Pixabay We are in the business of finding people for other people who need particular skills and backgrounds for their own enterprises. We are able to find good people and one ...
The Midas Touch
| The Midas Touch MUILLU on Unsplash The ‘reverse Midas touch’ seems to be present on a regular basis in many aspects of life. What we touch does not always turn into gold. Sometimes it ...
Finding a Job is like Running a Marathon
|Finding a job is like Running a Marathon! Photo by Sherise . on Unsplash I received a call last week from a great candidate, Jim, he had just completed an interview. The candidate said it ...
It’s Tricky
|It's Tricky This may sound like ‘preaching to the choir’ but…the smaller your company and its staff, or the bigger and more critical the job, or a combination of those things, the greater the need ...
What’s Your Gut Feeling
| What's Your Gut Feeling Those of us in the staffing industry have heard many times about the use of quantifiable metrics in the process of finding suitable candidates for positions we’ve been retained to ...
Learning from our mistakes
|Learning From Our Mistakes “I learned that good judgment comes from experience and that experience grows out of mistakes.” Omar Bradley, General, U.S. Army Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash This quotation caught my attention. ...
Optimistic Horizon
|Optimistic Horizon Those of you in the metropolitan Milwaukee area will probably recognize the name BizTimes Milwaukee. This publication has been in this marketplace for many years. Among the stories it does is one that ...
WFA Staffing Career Advisor
If you are not just looking for a job, but looking for the right job, WFA Staffing can help. We will work with you to assess your strengths, skill sets and personality, and match them with positions and employers that are the best fit for you. Join our database and a WFA recruiter will contact you to set up an interview!