Vacation- Casualty or Necessity?

Chen Mizrach JL6PTWI7h18 Unsplash

A recent story by Gail Rosenblum in the Star Tribune (Minneapolis – St. Paul) highlighted an interesting set of statistics from a report originally titled “The State of American Vacation: How Vacation Became a Casualty of our Work Culture”.  That report queried more than 5,600 American workers (including some 1,200 managers) and was conducted by…

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Authenticity- Be yourself!

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Authenticity is important.  Authenticity in interviews is very important.  What is authenticity?   How can we be authentic in interviews?  It is actually quite easy to define. We define interview authenticity as you being you in the interview. You are who you are. You have hair of a certain color; you are so many inches tall; you…

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Moving Forward Together

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This quote from Henry Ford, a visionary and innovator in manufacturing and the automotive industry, caught my eye this morning. “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Quotes that say so much in so few words are great.  Think of a marching band and think about the coordination of movement…

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Your Role on the Team….

Perry Grone LbLgFFlADrY Unsplash

“Sometimes a player’s greatest challenge is coming to grips with his role on the team.”        Scottie Pippen, Basketball player This quotation really hits home for many of us, and it is important to think about it whether we are reacting to a change made by others or we are the person making…

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Silver Tsunami

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We hear about the impact millennials (those typically with birth years from the early 1980’s to the early 2000’s) are having and will continue to have on the workforce. But, there is another phenomenon that has been given the name “silver tsunami”, and that is the growing segment of employees nearing or at retirement age,…

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Interesting Times…

The business of finding talent has gotten considerably more difficult of late, and it does not appear that will resolve anytime soon based upon what we see locally and nationally. With that reality upon us all, there are things prospective employers need to consider.  In some cases, if the desired talent and experience can be…

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The importance of pride in our accomplishments is often overlooked or just plain never thought about.  That is all too true when it comes to too many of us.  If you take a moment to reflect on some of the people in your life whose attitude is always great, you will very likely find a…

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To the Class of 2015- Attitude is your key to success

Vasily Koloda 8CqDvPuo KI Unsplash

Graduation ceremonies are occurring or have recently occurred across our state and nation.  Many young men and women will walk away from high schools and colleges with diploma in hand.  Some will move on to the next higher step in education while others will have reached the point of seeking employment or marriage or both.…

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Wants vs Needs

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  Two of the most powerful drivers in today’s world are what we might simply call ‘wants and needs’.  When we ‘want’ something, we are thrust into the race to obtain that something whatever it might be.  When we ‘need’ something, we are thrust into a similar race to obtain it.  Each of us would…

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Feedback is that annoying sound we hear when a sound system isn’t set up quite right.  It can send a shudder through your body. Feedback is also what we hear when someone critiques us.  It is not uncommon for people to pull themselves inside their shell and tune out the source, but that is not the…

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