The Power of Optimism

Manu Schwendener ZFEY4DP4h6c Unsplash (1)

 Optimistic people fare better in interviews all other things being equal. That is the simple truth. Most people like people who have optimism, so long as it isn’t exaggerated and overblown simply for effect. Optimism and smiles tend to go together. (See our recent entry ) So there is a double-whammy in the package of…

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Reflections on 70….

Birthday 70

My 70th birthday was one of the most interesting and enjoyable birthdays of my life!  Reflecting back on my years of life it was hard to comprehend how quickly time passes by and suddenly you are 70 even though you feel like 50! At first I was not happy about the event but as the…

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Congratulations to this year’s Future 50 class!

The MMAC’s Council of Small Business Executives (COSBE) has just made its decision about those companies that are on this year’s Future 50 list.  This is particularly important from our perspective since WFA Staffing was fortunate enough to make the Master Mettle level as a 3-year winner. The MMAC/COSBE began the Future 50 program to recognize…

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Moving Forward Together

Europeana Zyw3m6kheS8 Unsplash (1)

This quote from Henry Ford, a visionary and innovator in manufacturing and the automotive industry, caught my eye this morning. “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” Quotes that say so much in so few words are great.  Think of a marching band and think about the coordination of movement…

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The importance of pride in our accomplishments is often overlooked or just plain never thought about.  That is all too true when it comes to too many of us.  If you take a moment to reflect on some of the people in your life whose attitude is always great, you will very likely find a…

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To the Class of 2015- Attitude is your key to success

Vasily Koloda 8CqDvPuo KI Unsplash

Graduation ceremonies are occurring or have recently occurred across our state and nation.  Many young men and women will walk away from high schools and colleges with diploma in hand.  Some will move on to the next higher step in education while others will have reached the point of seeking employment or marriage or both.…

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Good News/Bad News

Markus Spiske 3Tf1J8q9bBA Unsplash

Great news!  The economy continues to improve and unemployment has gone down to 5.6%!  That ‘great news’ also brings a potential downside where WFA Staffing can help.    Unemployment standing at 5.6% means much of the formerly available talent is likely already employed.  That can limit the number of people you might be able to interest…

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Whatever Happened to the Suggestion Box?

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Have you ever seen or heard something that triggered a great idea? Maybe it was something totally unrelated to your business or to the issue you were wrestling with in your subconscious. But it was that one thing that made a crystal clear impression…and from which you were able to proceed to solve the other…

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You Don’t Need a “YES” Man

Yes Man

This quote from a famous ‘name’ jumped out at me and provoked some serious thought: When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary. ~ William Wrigley Jr. What struck me was the opposite of what the quotation was telling us.  If we never have competing opinions in our businesses would we…

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Experience VS Pay

Experience VS Pay We find the following quotation to be a truism in our business for it is the experience gained that hones the skills that lead to a better income for virtually all of us: In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash…

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