Gig Economy? What Is That?

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In a “gig economy”, temporary, flexible jobs are commonplace and companies tend toward hiring ‘independent contractors’ and ‘freelancers’ instead of full-time employees. These aren’t the temporary positions WFA Staffing and others have been filling for years.  A ‘gig economy’ undermines the traditional economy all of us are familiar with since we began working and hiring…

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Balancing Act

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My name is Todd Strehlow and I am one of the operating officers of WFA Staffing with two offices in the Greater Milwaukee area.  I am the CBO, as I call it.  That stands for the Chief Balance Officer which is also in keeping with one of my other passions, riding my bicycle…     seriously…

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We Need You….

Uncle Sam Need You

WE NEED YOU! My name is Roberta Murphy and I am the Vice President at WFA Staffing.  We have openings of almost every type and we need people who want to make a change for the better.  We know you are out there and we know we can help you find a better place to…

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A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E There is something that we seldom miss.  Whenever we walk into a workplace, retail or service or whatever, we are immediately aware of attitude.  Similarly, when we make a call and the telephone is answered, we are immediately aware of attitude.  Whenever we answer our telephone, we are immediately aware of attitude. We have choices…

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Find Your Niche….

Ian Schneider TamMbr4okv4 Unsplash

The small to mid-sized business market for us is our niche. It exposes us to new clients, some of which we didn’t even know about until they sought us out.  We can look back over our history and ID the clients with whom we’ve worked for a long time, in many cases since they were…

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Attitude Gains Altitude

Ashley Knedler Pf5Pj7A5ddA Unsplash

Your attitude will determine your altitude. Our own Marquette University Law School conducted a poll recently asking what people thought about the economy going forward.  About one-third thought it would get worse than last year at this time.  That was the highest number since this poll began in 2012. If we are thinking like pessimists,…

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Happy 2019!

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Happy New Year! A new year has rolled around again and it brings both challenges and promises along with it.  If we are looking only for the less-than-good, that will be easy enough to find.  Too much of this!  Too little of that!  No people available!  Can’t find a job to save myself! If, on…

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Strong Relationships Mean Everything

Strong Relationships… We talk about strong relationships regularly. We believe that strong relationships are the life’s blood of our business. Relationships are formed over time and we understand that.  We have enduring relationships formed at the very beginning of WFA Staffing.  We have been developing strong relationships with relatively recent client organizations. Each of our…

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Don’t bite off more than you can chew!

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They bit off more than they could chew.  This pejorative describes firms, companies, teams…you name it.  It means, simply, that whatever company is being referred to, tried to be too much to too many or that it spread itself over too much geographic area. The company tried to do too much, and the company failed…

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